They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Now are you insane? If that statement is true then I think there are a lot of insane people in the real estate business.
Unfortunately with real estate, if you don’t adjust to the market, you won’t survive… as so many real estate professionals found out the hard way. A few years back it was almost too easy to make money. As an investor it was about sending out a few letters and post cards, “getting the deed” and doing the flip and cashing a big check. There was a time when we wouldn’t even get excited unless the spread was at least 30k or more and we were closing between 4-6 deals a month. Well… unfortunately those days are over.
Now, ever since the market crashed we are having to step out of our comfort zone and do things that we didn’t have to do before and really step up our game. It can be difficult for some people to make the necessary adjustments that are needed to thrive in this market. But you know what? It can be done, and it’s all about testing out new marketing strategies and finding out what works. I tell my coaching students all of the time something that I learned from one of my mentors, Richard Roop…”There is no failure, only feedback”.
For those of us who do strictly short sales for a living it is especially difficult right now because of all the shady so called “investors” that are out there giving us a bad name. That’s why people are turning more and more to attorneys to handle their short sales for them. I got so Fed up with it all at one point that I was actually considering getting into a different business. I pulled up local business opportunities on Google and researched several businesses that I could’ve gotten into. I was so happy that I did that because it made me realize that real estate is hands down the best business out there. It actually made me get really excited about doing real estate again. So I started doing different things for marketing and I just kept on until I found what was working now. I think that the secret is to never stop testing out new ideas and strategies and just do things that even if you have doubts, try them anyway. Don’t be INSANE!!!